ArtHouse Jersey at Capital House, St. Helier
18 September 2024 – 6 October 2024
Jersey 2024
A first visit to the beautiful island of Jersey both for the show and for the company. We were hosted by ArtHouse Jersey, an amazing organisation that produces exhibitions, performance, music and community projects across the island and provides investment and opportunities for local artists. Of All The People In All The World was staged in their Capital House venue in the heart of St. Helier, which meant the show always had a steady flow of visitors over its 3 week long stay. It was lovely to see many people make repeat visits, often returning with family and friends.
Clever, humorous and educational at the same time – loved it
Audience Member
Being a small place the Jersey specific statistics were quite small compared to some of our usual shows but they allowed an exploration of the amazingly rich history of the island, which in turn suggested many other global stories. Being small also meant that visitors often found themselves represented in piles illustrating various island events. Statistics included the people from all around the world that have made Jersey their home, celebrations of local religious groups, sporting occasions, cultural events,
I’ve been waiting for years to see this installation and I’ve not been disappointed … fabulous
Audience Member
The lengthy visit meant that the team had some time to explore, with Heather (who has family on Jersey) acting as tour guide to some of the island’s most beautiful spots. They also got to savour some of the island’s beautiful food offerings, such as £1.00 oysters consumed whilst watching shooting stars in a clear night sky.
Absolutely wonderful. Such a clever visualisation. Many grains of truth.
Audience Member
We were lucky to work with three great Jersey based artists who were able to bring their local knowledge to the show, thus making it richer and more relevant. Due to some transport issues we weren’t able to take all our rice over with us and so had to supplement it with some locally sourced rice. At the end of the show we were able to donate around 200 kgs of this to the local Shelter charity where it will be used to help people in need.
The Jersey visit was a wonderful experience for the team, they met some lovely people and had many interesting conversations sparked by the rice.

Installed and performed by: Heather Burton, Carys Jones , Jake Oldershaw and Jack Trow
with: Nicole Sheppard, Róisín Shaw and Lauren Burch
Photographs: Blake Watson
Producer: Michelle Smith
Administration: Beth Crossley