The Cleansing of Constance Brown

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Impressive and original […] a fascinating and exhilarating piece of work from a company of real artistic innovators who always have new things to say and new ways of saying them.

Lyn Gardner – The Guardian


The Cleansing Of Constance Brown is a visually extravagant meditation on themes of power and cleansing, it pays particular attention to the place of women within these themes.

The show jumps backwards and forward through time and between locations. Each scene and character is presented in highly realised visual detailing of costumes props and acting. The corridor itself with its shifting configuration becomes the 73rd character, blank, often menacing and unpredictable. Scenes intercut and morph into one each other making connections across time and space.

Tour Dates

  • 28th – 30th October, 2015:
    Rozdroze 2015, Stodola, Warsaw

  • 28th May – 1st June, 2011:
    Fabrik, Potsdam

  • 1st – 19th March, 2011:
    @ AE Harris, Birmingham

  • 26th – 27th May, 2010:
    Globalize: Cologne

  • 28th September – 2nd October, 2009:
    Domaine d’O, Montpellier

  • 17th – 20th September, 2009:
    No Strings Attached Festival, Mainz

  • 5th – 9th May, 2009:
    Harbourfront Centre, Toronto

  • 3rd – 7th November, 2008:
    Festivalul National de Teatru, Bucharest

  • 13th – 16th March, 2008:
    Moving Parts, MAC, Birmingham

  • 20th – 23rd August, 2007:
    British Council Showcase, Edinburgh

  • 19th – 30th June, 2007:
    Cork Midsummer Festival

  • 29th May – 10th June, 2007:
    Wiener Festwochen, Vienna

  • 22nd – 26th May, 2007:
    Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry

” [a] Mesmerising Production”

Natasha Tripney – Exeunt Magazine

enthralling theatre like this renders text obsolete

Frederic Dalmasso – Total Theatre

Original Programme Notes

We are delighted that you have chosen to join us for this,
one of the first ten performances of The Cleansing Of Constance Brown,
we hope you enjoy it.
It is bigger than we had ever envisaged.
It has been made with love.
It speaks for itself.
It is dedicated to our friend Marie who commissioned it
but did not live to see it.

The show was commissioned by Marie Zimmerman who sadly didn’t live to see it performed. We hope she would be proud

Created By:
Gerard Bell, Jake Oldershaw, Jan Pearson, Graeme Rose,Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens, Andy Watson

Performed By:
Gerard Bell, Nick Tigg/Gareth Brierly, Jake Oldershaw, Jan Pearson, Graeme Rose,
Bernadette Russell and Craig Stephens.

With Direction From: James Yarker

Original Music: Nina West
Final Track Sample: Richard Chew & Ian Dixon
Lighting Design: Paul Arvidson
Engineering & Operation: James Mackey
Stage and Tour Management: Karen Stafford
Design: Stan’s Cafe
Set Construction: Steel The Scene
Auditorium Construction: Andy Martin
Costumes: Stan’s Cafe
Bespoke Costumes: Kay Wilton
Props: Karen Stafford
Bespoke Props: Ana Rutter
General Manager: Charlotte Martin
Advisory Producer: Nick Sweeting

Stan’s Cafe Board of Directors:
Syd Ewart, Peter Fletcher, Gerv Havill, Alan James, Andy Parsons,
Sadie Plant, Heather Taylor.

With thanks to:
CFNX Property, Aquaaid, Barber Bros. Fire Extinguisher Equipment and those at home who make it possible.
Commissioned by Wiener Festwochen, Warwick Arts Centre and Fierce! Festival.
Funded by Arts Council of England

It is an understatement to say that The Cleansing Of Constance Brown is a great performance, but understatement suits the British, so lets leave it at that

Der Standard – Vienna

The Cleansing Of Constance Brown … is an example of just what a worthwhile festival should offer – visually delightful, imaginatively intriguing and resonant …

Mary Leland – The Irish Times

Touring Personnel

22nd – 26th May, 2007: Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry
Cast: Gerard Bell, Gareth Brierley, Jake Oldershaw, Jan Pearson, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens
Tech: Paul Arvidson, Karen Stafford, Nina West

29th May – 10th June, 2007: Wiener Festwochen, Vienna
Cast: Gerard Bell, Gareth Brierley, Jake Oldershaw, Jan Pearson, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens
Tech: James Markey, Karen Stafford, Nina West

19th – 30th June, 2007: Cork Midsummer Festival
Cast: Gerard Bell, Nick Tigg, Jake Oldershaw, Jan Pearson, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens
Tech: James Markey, Karen Stafford, Nina West

20th – 23rd August, 2007: British Council Showcase, Edinburgh
Cast: Gerard Bell, Nick Tigg, Jake Oldershaw, Jan Pearson, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens
Tech: Paul Arvidson (with Hugh Caruthers), Karen Stafford, Nina West

13th – 16th March, 2008: Moving Parts, MAC, Birmingham
Cast: Gerard Bell, Nick Tigg, Jake Oldershaw, Jan Pearson, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens
Tech: Paul Arvidson (with Paul Markey), Karen Stafford, Nina West

3rd – 7th November, 2008: Festivalul National de Teatru, Bucharest
Cast: Gerard Bell/John McGuinness, Ray Newe, Jake Oldershaw, Jan Pearson, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell/Alex Alderton, Craig Stephens
Tech: Hugh Caruthers, Billy Hiscoke, Nina West

5th – 9th May, 2009: Harbourfront Centre, Toronto
Cast: Gerard Bell, Gareth Brierley, Jake Oldershaw, Alex Alderton, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens
Tech: Paul Arvidson, Billy Hiscoke, Nina West

17th – 20th September, 2009: No Strings Attached Festival, Mainz
Cast: Gerard Bell, Gareth Brierley, Jake Oldershaw, Alex Alderton, Graeme Rose, Fiona Putnam, Craig Stephens
Tech: Paul Arvidson, Billy Hiscoke, Nina West

28th September – 2nd October, 2009: Domaine d’O, Montpellier
Cast: Gerard Bell, Ray Newe, Jake Oldershaw, Alex Alderton, Graeme Rose, Fiona Putnam, Craig Stephens/Jack Corcran
Tech: Paul Arvidson, Billy Hiscoke, Nina West

26th – 27th May, 2010: Globalize: Cologne
Cast: Gerard Bell, Gareth Brierley, Jack Trow, Alex Alderton, Chris Corcran, Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens
Tech: Paul Arvidson, Amy Huckett, Nina West

1st – 19th March, 2011: @ A E Harris, Birmingham
Cast: Gerard Bell, Jake Oldershaw, Jack Trow, Amy Ann Haigh, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell (Charlotte Gregory), Craig Stephens (Chris Corchran)
Tech: Paul Arvidson, Harry Trow, Nina West

28th May – 1st June, 2011: Tanztage, Fabrik, Potsdam
Cast: Gerard Bell, Jake Oldershaw, Jack Trow, Amy Ann Haigh, Graeme Rose, Charlotte Gregory, Craig Stephens
Tech: Clemens Kowalski with James Yarker, Billy Hiscoke, Nina West

28th – 30th October, 2015: Rozdroze 2015 (Crossroads 2015): Stodola, Warsaw
Cast: Gerard Bell, Jake Oldershaw, Jack Trow, Amy Ann Haigh, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell, Craig Stephens
Tech: Frances Rice, Harry Trow, Nina West
Assistant Stage Managers: Robin Stephens and Eve Yarker

“A pressure builds up during the early scenes, pressed into our skulls by an intense and evolving electronic soundtrack. It feels as though the corridor is suffering a slow building pressure behind the eyes, forcing it to blink and clear out any imagery that has become too much for it.

Mark Hancock – Keep Art Evil