Spring, 2002
Fox Hollies School, Birmingham
Staff and students at Fox Hollies Schol were brave enough to work with Stan’s Cafe on our first venture into Stop Frame animation. Wehad a brilliant time learing together. Working to a commission from Birmigham City Council weproduced an animation, a spoof ‘making of…” video and edited together a trailer that can allbe watched in a loop as the end of one contains the strart of the next. As well as being ourfirst venure into anmation it was also our first project working in a Special School and it proved tobe an inspiring experience.
Head to Head “One boring day an Orange idea is born in a flash of lightning. Deep in someone’s brain it turns into an astronaut, climbs into a rocket and sets off on a mission to travel from head to head spreading inspiration”
Head to Head in Foxhollywood “Join the team behind the film ” On set at a major animation shoot: including secret shots f the stars, interviews with the crew, fly on the wal footage of deals being done, roviding insights into the multi-million dollar special effects machine.”

Creators, Cast and Crew from Fox Hollies Performing Arts College.
Zafran Ahmed, Jameelah Al-Samarraie, Claire Barber,
Claire beach, Cardell Bishop, Lorraine Bowles,
Colin Boyle, Ian Clapham, Peter Davies,
Michael Dillon, Sarah Edwards, Teresa Fadden,
Marting Fell, Jamie Freeman, Alexis Gauntlett,
Ruth Henderson, James Humphreys, Navid Khan,
Kate Lowe, Shane mcTiernman, Saeed Mohammed,
Kathryn O’Leary, Vince Simons, Bradley Ward,
Carl Wilson, George Wood, Keith Youngson.
Director: James Yarker
Filmmaker: Fisal Hussain
Visual Artist: Ana Rutter
Drama: Sarah Archdeacon
Composer: Jony Easterby
Animation Training: Jonathan Charles
Head to Head was part of Massive Message a project initiated and managed by:
Wendy Hee for Birmingham City Council.