Summer Term 2004
Castle Vale, Birmingham
In Castle Vale School classes 8tpc and 8dfp voted for the ten things they would most like to change if they ruled the school. Over six art lessons and a week of special sessions they collaborated with professional artists to create ten works of art that help us imagine this world as a different place. Whether this world is an improvement is up to you to decide.
- Change the Time-Table.
- Detentions are Pointless.
- The Chairs are Uncomfortable.
- Change the Uniform.
- Change the Dinning Hall.
- Change All the Teachers (except the nice ones)
- Re-Paint the School
- Curved Mirrors in the Corridors.
- Half the Rules are Not Fair.
- Blow Up the School

Who Rules The School?
Teachers run the lessons, but the Headteacher runs the Teachers.
The Headteacher reports to the Govenors,
The Govenors report to the City Council,
The City Council does what the Government says.
The Government tells parent/guardians to send their kids to school
But parent/guardians send people in to Government and the Council.
Where would we be without tea and photocopying and empty bins, broken things fixed and phone-calls made?
The City Council owns the building but the caretaker holds the keys.
And after all of this – the Students still have to choose to learn.
Who rules the school?
Art Made By
Patrick Beirne, Hayley Blakemore, Matthew Browne, Sarah Carter, Gary Clough,Luke Dandy, Kieran Downes, Luke Ellett, Robbie Ellis, Gemma Fahy,Clair Ford, Marcus Gill, Adam Gordon, Reece Groves, Michael O’Dell,Sean Oldbury, Jordan Somerville,Miguel Stewart, Emma While.
Nathan Barnfield, Richard Bates, Lianne Beacham, Parez Boone, Monique Bourne,Paige Cespedes, Joshua Cooper, Ryan Doras, Payge Dymock-Courts, Julie Goodwin,Jane Hardy, Jade Heale, Nathan Hinsley, Ryan Holder, Kirsty Jones, Aaron Judd,Toni Kerr, Katie Macken, Ellen Pope, holly Prince, Elizabeth Read, Jamie Stone,Brookley Taylor, Scott Walton, Kieron Warner, Dean Webb, William Wood.
Photographs: Ed Dimsdale
Design: Simon Ford
Pyrotechnics, Costume and Mirrors: Helen Ingham
Additional Inspiration: Helen Kelly
Additional Graft: Tess Sharp
Directed by Craig Stephens and James Yarker for Stan’s Cafe
with Jane Crowther for Castle Vale School
Produced by Deirdre Buckley for Craftspace Touring
Commissioned by Creative Partnerships
With thanks to: Mark Anderson, Rachel Carter, Maya Paul and the staff and students at Castle Vale School