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Watching the world for a day

Ships are moving on the high sea and nudging into dock. Planes are crossing time zones. Foreign exchanges and futures markets are shifting. Early morning workers are scuttling from New Street Station. Weather fronts are moving in. Social media threads are spinning. From high in the Rotunda, Ultraopticon is watching it all.

Calming. Melancholic. Intimate. Thought Provoking, Humbling. Reasuring.

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18:00 – 20:00 English & French with Diana Abankwah
20:00 – 22:00 English & Portuguese (Brazil) with Breno Nunes
22:00 – 00:00 English & Patois (Jamaica) with Monica Herbert
00:00 – 02:00 English & Spanish (Mexico) with Michelle Amezcua
02:00 – 04:00 English & English (USA) with Skylar Mabry
04:00 – 06:00 English & Spanish (Peru) with Flavia Estupinan
06:00 – 08:00 English & English (New Zealand) with Sam Coley
08:00 – 10:00 English & Japanese with Mayuko Takahashi
10:00 – 12:00 English & Indonesian with Tiurlan Sitompul
12:00 – 14:00 English & Bengali with Iona Mandal
14:00 – 16:00 English & Somali with Zakariye Abdillahi
16:00 – 18:00 English & Lithuanian with Simona Litvinskaite

45-minute attendance slots were available for the full 24 hours. Visitors were invited to observe the observers, watch the extraordinary view, listen to the immersive soundscape.

£2 from each ticket was donated to Birmingham’s B30 Foodbank

Absolutely amazing! no idea what it was about or what was happening but compelling.

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Thought provoking. The 45 minutes flew by. Felt like watching/observing something I shouldn’t be

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A delieriously delicious mesmerising soundscape.

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Voices: Diana Abankwah, Zakariye Abdillahi, Michelle Amezcua, Sam Coley, Flavia Estupinan, Monica Herbert, Simona Litvinskaite, Skylar Mabry, Iona Mandal, Breno Nunes, Tiurlan Sitompul, Craig Stephens, Mayuko Takahashi & James Yarker
Sounds: Misha Fones, James McIlwrath & Amelia Rubra
Video: Dominic Thompson
Ultraopticon Device: Simon Ford
Produced By: Michelle Smith & Dominic Thompson with Lucy Bird

With Thanks To: Everyone at Staying Cool for prompting and then hosting the show in one of their spectacular apartments.

Performance Date

  • 18:00 Friday 19 – 18:00 Saturday 20
    Staying Cool, 20th Floor, Rotunda, Birmingham

An insight on the power of the information age. The luxury of everything at your fingertips versus the chaos of the human experience of trying to process the info. V thought-provoking

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This was the wierdest 45 minutes of my year so far. Love Stan’s Cafe.

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