Ho Ho Ho


Tour Dates

  • Christmas 2005
    Birmingham and the Black Country

Over a number of cold, dark winters we had begun to notice the growing trend for people to decorate and illuminate their houses with festive lights, inflatables and fake snow. The displays were becoming ever more elaborateand inventive and we thought that it was tine to celebrate the people who put so much effort into lighting up winter. So, in collaboration with THEpUBLIC, we created www.hohoho.org.uk. The website contained images and reviewsof decorated homes throughout Birmingham, Sandwell and The Black Country. It contained tours to help people find the best displays in a particular area, together with background stories and photographic tips.

Finances meant that we were not able to scour the streets looking for the brightest and best in Winter 2005.


Conceived and Produced by: Stan’s Cafe & The Public
Design and Web-Construction: Paul Lacey, Rich Franks & Daniel Stokes Gipson
Site Editor: Catherine O’Flynn
In-hous Reviewers & Photographers: Catherine tarbuck, Adrian Wressell, Rich Franks, Paul Lacey, Jake Oldershaw, Graeme Rose, Craig Stephens, James Yarker, Ania Bas, Caitlin Griffiths, Trevor Pitt.
Thanks To: Alan Wright (Wednesbury Photography Society), Len Hales (Great Barr Photography Society)RoSPA
Financial Support From: Birmingham City Council, ERDF, The Public.