The Worm In The Grass

Education   english  

Our journey to The Worm In The Grass took a year. In September teachers from Tiverton Primary Academy took part in our City Adventure day as part of their in service training. After this we spent a day in school making puppets and miniature puppet shows with four different year groups.

From these year groups two were chosen for week long exploration of ideas for a new show. Years six and four made a set of puppets each and worked up a story about why a group of puppets may leave their planet and travel to a neighbouring planet. The story there moved on to show what reception they got on those planets and what happened afterwards.

The resultant show was very rough and ready but was encouraging enough to persuade us all that we would like to develop it into a full show.

At the end of the summer term, squeezed between all their other commitments Year 6 worked up the story and Year 4 worked up two songs for the show. Whilst Year 6 were on their residential Year 5 helped them by making lots of props and scenery for the show. Those members of Year 6 who weren’t on the residential got together to write script.

The final performance was staged for parents and other pupils in the school hall on our slot together stage.

Tour Dates

  • 15 June, 2016
    Tiverton Primary School, Birmingham


Made by the students of Tiverton Primary Academy

Puppets made by: Year 6 with Jim Morris
Direction: Ms. Melady and James Yarker
Narrator: action Ewan voice Wisdom
Penny: action Toka voice Hadeel
Peter: action Ali voice Ryan
Pedro: action and voice Myles
Paula: action Amy voice Makkah
Petra: action Zahraa voice Nisha
Pim: action Noor action Ciro
Po: action Sienna voice Shireen
Newsreader: action Hilda voice Alex
Preeti: action Esam voice Dua
Paul: action Dillon voice Asal
Winifred: action Maryam voice Afrah
Shilpa: action Bianca voice Naim
Wahib: action Faizan-Ali voice Hussein
Mr. White: action Wisdom voice Ewan
William: action Hadeel voice Toka
Prison Guard: action Ryan voice Ali
Stephen: action and voice Myles
Astronomer & other experts: action Makkah voice Amy
Soinia: action Nisha voice Zahraa
Susan: action Ciro voice Noor
Sammy: action Shireen voice Sienna
Winston: action Alex voice Hilda
Leader of the Whole Milk: action Dua voice Esam
Leader of the Semi Skimmed: action Asal voice Dillon
Wendy: action Afrah voice Maryam
The Petals: action Faizan-Ali voice Hussein
Singing: by Year 4
Songs and soundtrack: Christine Cornwall and Luke Deane