Yesterday I learnt that Alan Rivett, Director of Warwick Arts Centre and good friend of Stan’s Cafe has been taken ill and will be off work for an indeterminate time. He is a fun loving man in a high stress job: we all wish him very well.
With Dorothy Wilson, Director of MAC and former Chair of Stan’s Cafe also off work for an indeterminate time due to ill health, these are troubled times for Arts Centres in the Midlands. We all wish Dorothy well as well.
Yesterday also brought me the sad news that the sound artist Paul Burwell has died. Though not knowing him personally, I know he inspired a generation of sound artists, including a number of our friends and collaborators. He leaves the twin legacies, of spectacular memories and the future work of those who felt his influence We send our condolances to those who valued his company.
Let’s have a Good News Monday.