A Day of Joy with Electronics.

Triumph before dispare, Jake brings the full circuit together.
Triumph before dispare, Jake brings the full circuit together.

Triumph of getting the circuit completed with the meter reading a steady 16V rapidly turned to dispare with the realisation that a meter reading is one thing, a car zooming around the track is another. It was that childhood sinking feeling scaled up at least 1:32 by the fact we have invited the whole world to join in the game.

After some soul-searching and phone call to Mark Anderson (our voice of reason in all such things) a plan started to emerge. At the limit of outward and inward car travel we broke the circuit and joined these two points up, this circuit worked. Then at a convenient point we made the remaining track into a loop and got that circuit going. At the end of the day we had two circuits each of approximately 210 pieces working. Tomorrow there is a plan involving 60m of wire and a soldering iron which, assuming the laws of physics hold, mean that we can recombine our two circuits into the monster we are aiming for

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