Site visits are useful in many ways. On Tuesday we were able to meet all the key people at the Satagya Public Theatre and from the municipality (you may find this more helpful) who will be promoting Of All The People In All The World In September. We checked the gallery, talked through logistics and visited the venue for workshops. I also learnt to be careful when attempting to be humorous.
On the way to a restaurant our hosts were fretting about how Charlotte’s vegetarian diet would be catered for. They asked if she liked burdock root, obviously she’s never tried it in her life, so naturally I jumped in “Oh yes! Charlotte loves burdock root, she’s always eating it, you can’t move in the Stan’s Cafe office for burdock root”. Which doesn’t sound funny in the re-telling and was taken in full earnestness by our wonderful hosts. Charlotte was left fielding eager questions about which is her favourite cooking method.
For the record burdock root is delicious, as is lotus root, fermented bean curd and bitter cucumber; all four kinds of sea-weed we had; and grilled, smoked and raw fish.