There’s not been much time for blogging with Tuning Out With Radio Z back on the road. We’re still thinking quite intensively about the show and processing whatever feedback has come our way. Amongst published feedback are three online reviews all written about exactly the same performance.
There is this one: which we like.
This one: which we don’t.
And this one: which again we do and is written by someone who makes our own Theatre Pledge look very weedy!
We are learning about and reshaping our approach to the show with each performance. Each review consolidates our existing ambition to make audience contributions play a more central role in the show’s production whilst also reminding the very slickness with which contributions are woven into the show often means they are missed by all but those who submitted them.
Thursday night at Warwick we will try out our revised strategies in front of what looks as if it could be a Sell Out crowd (Friday and Saturday are less busy so do buy tickets). If you can’t buy tickets then remember you can tune in on-line. The tone should be quite different to the recent London shows so regular listeners beware.
I totally agree with first and third reviews. The link to the second review indicates a malware thingybob that could harm my computer… Where else could I find that review?
Have a good show tonight.
Thanks Chris,
The second review was from Malware is probably your computer’s response to material it considers in some way diseased, my machine shows no such compassion and will merrily bring the offending review to screen.
In brief the review appears to take “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” as their model for what improvised theatre should be and this ain’t that!
Keep the faith.