There is a large feature piece about me and the show in the current edition of The Birmingham Post. It makes me sound rather heavy going to hang out with and the show not much fun to watch but it seems to have cheered up my neighbours. They even like the rather dour photograph which has been exhumed from the post’s photo library. They won’t come and see the show of course, but they are pleased to see someone they know in the paper.
There’s a thoughtful and perceptive review in Exeunt which was spotted by Olivia, so thanks to her.
Tomorrow reviewers from both The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph come to town in a double header seeing us and then Notes to Future Self which is Birmingham Rep’s production at MAC. Getting London based reviewers up is very pleasing. The next hurdle is for their editors to grant their reviews space in the paper. The next hurdle is to get a good review. The icing on the cake is for the review to be positive in a pithy enough way to use an extract as a strap line.
It add to the media frenzy I have done two radio interviews for Radio WM. Redbrick the Birmingham University newspaper did an interview and came to review the show, so we need to send someone onto campus to find a copy.
It’s all good stuff in the broad scheme of things, polluting the groundwater with a Stan’s Cafe fever, but ultimately is it going to convert into bums on seats any time soon?
You could try putting an accessible buy line on the shows …
Good and True – a screwball comedy of mistaken identity
It’s Your Film – Noir Die Hard
Constance Brown – Mr Benn wrestles with a giant orange mass
Simple Maths – Carry On Waiting