Exciting news! In a rare development for The Commentators their phones rang today. In an even rarer development it turned out to be their agent. Astonishingly she had received a call from the BBC asking after their availability this Friday. Being a good agent she replied that this would “depend on some factors” and that she “could move a few things around” and basically “yes they are” (they could be called off the golf course and out of the potting shed).
After all these years the BBC were calling again and not ‘just’ BBC Midlands but ‘the network’, BBC 1, Live Television, the biggest audience since they last did the FA Cup Final which was back in the days when people watched the FA Cup Final. Admittedly it is just going to be 20 seconds worth, but it means their faces (and voices) will be back in the public eye (and ear). It is for Children In Need and so there isn’t actually a fee attached to the work but their agent has assured them this is a good deal and that she is kindly also prepared waive her cut as it is for such a good cause.
Listen Live to The Commentators from Children In Need at Library of Birmingham 18:00 – 22:00 on Friday on this website and live on BBC 1 for twenty seconds in the final hour – unless someone over runs or someone more interesting becomes available.