Please Help Us – Mobile from Johnny O'Hanlon on Vimeo.
We don’t normally carry Crowd Sourcing pleas on our blog because we don’t believe that’s what you come here for, but…
This afternoon the excellent Johnny O’Hanlon and I were plotting the latest Space adventures we hope to Year 5 on at Billesley Primary school, he mentioned his work with Hocus Pocus Theatre Group who meet at mac in Cannon Hill Park regularly. They are a group of actors with learning disabilities who devise their own shows. They’re looking for £875 to make a new show. They’ve had £790 pledged and if they don’t get the remaining £45 pledged by Monday they lose everything pledged so far.
For them, and for Johnny’s commitment to them, I have broken our rule.
I’m pleased to report that it looks as if Hocus Pocus reached their Crowd Sourcing target, well done them and all who helped them.