I love using formal constraints as a means of unlocking unexpected theatrical delights. An example is our attempt in Be Proud of Me to restrict the text to only sentences found in tourist phrase books. Simple Maths and The Cleansing of Constance Brown were physically constrained and The Just Price of Flowers had structural rules for which characters could appear on stage together in any given scene.
Yesterday I spoke with the excellent Iain Smith about running a writing project at Washwood Heath Academy inspired by George Perec’s La Disparition a novel written without use of the letter ‘e’.
Now, in collaboration with mac birmingham we are looking to spread the formal fun. We are delighted to announce eight new commissions for mini-plays. These plays can be about anything, feature and number of actors and follow any theatrical tradition so long as they comply with a set of simple rules:
Each show must be 20 minutes long.
Each show must fit on a stage 2.4m wide x 1.8m deep (8’ x 6’).
Each show may only use the following props:
Window Frame, Chair, Table, Mug, Telephone, Banana, Hand Gun, Newspaper, Bunch of Flowers, Clock, Rope, Letter in Envelope.
Each show must use a minimum of five props.
Each show must be made for £500.
Each show must be a finished show and not a ‘work in progress’ or extract.
Each show must be available to be performed on 9 and 16 May 2015 (it will only be performed on one of these dates)
There will be a basic lighting rig you may specify your lighting preferences in advance shows should not be highly dependent on very complicated or accurate lighting.
Sound playback will be available.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on 5th January. Full details of the commissions and how to submit your ideas are carried on mac’s website.