Moving home

On Tuesday the Birmingham Post made fully public the news that our landlords A E Harris & Co. Ltd. have sold their site for redevelopment, they will be moving to new premise to continue their business and we will have to do the same.

This development is no surprise to us. We took on our lease knowing the site was for sale and we have always been kept up to date as offers have come in and negotiations progressed.

Being based @ A E Harris has transformed how we have been able to work, allowed us to increase our ambitions and enabled us to help other people realise their ambitions. It will be a significant wrench to move on as we will leave many happy memories behind.

Plans for our future base have been developing in recent months and we are entertaining a range of possibilities. We consider this forced change a great opportunity to refresh our approach to how we make art, how were relate to our home city and how we support others.

The end of our current arrangement is still a little way off, planning permission needs to be submitted and granted for the new development and after that A E Harris need to relocate so we expect @ A E Harris to continue as it is for at least 12 months which would be an neat point to leave as it would be ten years on from when we first arrived at the factory in order to perform Of All The People In All The World.

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