When we were first looking to explore our idea of extended working with a Partner School we advertised the opportunity widely and numerous schools applied. Victoria Park Academy were among these schools and we immediately identified as a school we were interested in, but we didn’t pass it onto our shortlist because it was already flying and we wanted to start somewhere where we could make a dramatic impact.
Once the Partner School Model had proved to be one that we liked and we were looking to extend it we were delighted to find that Victoria Park Academy was still interested in working with us. It is a visionary school at the heart of a dynamic academy trust and ironically, whilst it took us some time to get a project together in this school we almost immediately started working with its sister school Rowley Park Academy. The trust also trains its own teachers (as well as those for other primary schools via Central England Teacher Training. The ethos at CETT reflects its schools by placing creativity and the arts at the heart of its work, so we were delighted to be invited to work with them as well. Most recently we have done some work for Devonshire Junior Academy.