The project of which we cannot speak (see 10th December post), despite seeming very straightforward on paper, is causing a significant amount of stress. The fact that the stakes are so high for everyone else involved naturally raises the stakes for us. With relatively little information available and isolated from the main action all I have left to do is fret. Thus this four day job invades time that should be spent thinking about other things.
I realise now there are two rate cards, in one people pay for your time, in the other they pay for your brain-space. The nightmare is when you price a job thinking it’s about time only to find it’s about space. As a result this job, which I initially thought was lucrative, turns out to be charged correctly.
The notion is that any profits from this job go directly to buying kit for our new theatre show, The Cleansing Of Constance Brown. This show is finding its brain-space squatted at the moment, raising the stress levels further.