The Red Eye

Boston to Heathrow was smooth – The Red Eye. A holding pattern until curfew brakes at six, then down. Shave in the ‘restroom’. Big Blighty fry-up in a Greek Cafe, Southampton Row. Talk for Scenography students at Central St.Martins. It’s great to see Pete Brooks again, catch up on news and opinion, he’s ill but on form.

Bus to Aldwych – freedom of the Oyster. Office calls. Hook up with Nick. Dim sum in Soho, strategy sketch. Good news on Rice for the world show, Tilda at the tipping point. Spring Gardens. Star Trek security measures and in to speak with the Latin Americans. Second slideshow of the day. They’re friendly and engaged. Take it easy for the translators. A chance to formulate thoughts concisely in International English. It seems to go down well, business cards rain in on us – we’ll talk.

Virgin extortion for a standard single. Home is worth a King’s ransom.


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