Long standing perceptive followers of these pages will have noticed that since the emergence of a dedicated @ A E Harris website we have kept a fairly strict demarcation, as to what news goes where, however, on this occasion it seems apt to announce on both sides of the velvet curtain that Reckless Sleepers a company as old as both the hills and Stan’s Cafe will be performing at our home in the coming months.
First up they will be visiting us with Schroedinger which they first made in 1998 as Schroedinger’s Box that piece was made with – amongst others – Stan folk Jake Oldershaw and Sarah Dawson. In the intervening decade plus they’ve written a book about the original devising process and cracked the show open again with a new cast, new bits and a new sleeker title.
Come and marvel. Dates, ticket into Etc can all be found on the other side of the curtain.