‘Bump In’ Day 3


One of the many peculiarities about Of All The People In All The World is that it can easily feel as if you are making a show that must be ready for the opening night. This is because you come without a script or a stage plan and have to make it all up. I find myself growing anxious that we won’t be finished in time, however this is the wrong way to think about the situation. We are doing a ‘Bump In’, the race is to be ready to start not finish the show. The problems that have to be solved are, what cues do we want to start improvising from and where should the props (rice) go. The challenge is to open in a state that is already a satisfying balanced piece but has space enough to develop for three weeks.

Everything has been going smoothly, the days are manageable but steady work in a warm climate with jet lag can get the better of people at times.

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