Script Delivered


Nenad Prokic has delivered his script for Finger Trigger Bullet Gun. I was very excited to receive it and it doesn’t disappoint. 25 pages of full-on text from the man who physically forced us to adapt The Anatomy of Melancholy. It’s going to be a real challenge to deal with – but that’s nothing new.

I had a fantastic evening. Reading the script traveling to Wolverhampton on the train. Finishing it off over a delicious IPA in The Posada on Lichfield Street. Then talking about possible collaborations with the University of Wolverhampton over a fantastic sophisticate curry at The Bilash. Then probably the best performance of The Anatomy of Melancholy I’ve seen so far from our team entrenched in The Arena – they have really hit their stride and look really confident and in control of their material. The trip was topped off with some art talk on the way home with Rob, Chair of our board.

And I have the cheek to call this work – outrageous. Luckiest man alive.

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