TOTFG Patrick 3 from Stans Cafe on Vimeo.
Nina West is a superstar it’s an outrage that so few people know this to be true. The sonic worlds she has created drive Ocean of Storms (1996) – which we then nicked a 250 second section of for It’s Your Film (1998), Be Proud of Me (2003) and The Cleansing of Constance Brown (2007) (which blew everyone into next week).
Most recently she delivered 255 minutes of inspired menace angst and wonder to power Twilightofthefreakingods to its bloody flame licked conclusion. Now she is working on the soundtrack to the film that has arisen from that show. The film premieres on Saturday and typically of Nina I received a text from her yesterday essentially saying “I’m very excited, I’ve made big revisions to the soundtrack, when I saw it at our recent screening I thought 1/3 of it was a disaster so I’ve relocated much of the music, added new elements and put in some reprises to hopefully make it perfectly balanced”. I’d thought it was amazing as it was, heaven knows how good it will be now.
Nine years ago Nina wrote an essay about her work for this website. It’s probably time we got her to write some more.