So it’s ‘big announcement time’. Stan’s Cafe is embarking on a radical bit of restructuring. We have decided that, in order to do all the things we want and need to do at the scale we want and need to do them, we need to increase the company’s backroom capacity. Charlotte our General Manager has been doing an amazing job for the last ten years and as that job has grown we have tried to chop bits of it off to give out to other people but the time has come to finally admit it isn’t one job but two.
As a result we are looking for an Executive Producer who will act as joint CEO alongside the Artistic Director. They will be majoring on all the high level company development work – getting commissions, gigs, audiences Etc. They will also line manage an Administrator who will be at the heart of the company running all those systems that making sure everything runs like clockwork.
There are full details of both jobs on a new temporary web page The turnaround is tight and we are obviously very keen to get two amazing people to help power us along, so please do circulate this information to all your networks.
We’ll say a bit more about Charlotte and her contribution nearer to her leaving date but suffice to say here and now, she will always be a Stan’s Cafe legend (in a good way).