We’re all familiar with the phenomena whereby something goes from invisible to jumping out at you as your interest in its category changes. You’re thinking of buying a Honda Civic and you go from never noticing them to seeing them everywhere. For me now it’s Lecterns. We need one for A Translation of Shadows. We think we will get it built, so we need to design it and now I have an intense interest in lecterns. There was a beautiful one at the Barber Institute. This one is at Saltely academy. I like it a lot but it is wider than the one we will get designed.
We are doing a big project with Saltley after easter so I put the lectern to good use introducing Stan’s Cafe to the assembled staff. As it was mock exam time the staff were all sat at individual exam desks, an unusual sight.
Today, without lectern Jack and I rehearse Making Shadows for Flatpack Film Festival which opens TODAY and as ever is full of excellent film and film related good stuff.