Croydon ClocktowerKatharine Street, Croydon, CR9 1ET
Friday 18th September – 10th October, 2009 All Day (not Sundays)
Odyssey Steps is the fifth edition of Stan’s Cafe’s Steps Series. It takes thedevice of vinyl stickers acting as do-it-yourself performance instructions backto the land of Ancient Greek poety. Odysseus has returned from the Trojan warswith his warriors and is due to meet Penelope for a trip to the theatre in theclocktower. After building himself a raft and navigating through various familiartrials, Cyclops, sirens, lotus eaters, isle of Calypso, trip to the Western Edge ofthe World he finally arrives to discover Penelope is already there and giving hima hard time. She’d nipped in the new theatre and cinema entrance ages ago and hasjust sent their son off to find his dad.
Devised by Simon Ford and James Yarker
With Denise Stanton and Jack Trow