2012. Our first project with Billesley Primary School was a highly ambitious marble run. We set the pupils and the staff the challenge of completing a circuit of theirfour main corridors which form a square around their playground. Classes paired up in year groups and each tookresponsibility for the corridor outside their classrooms. Different groups took different approaches and undertook greater degrees of decoration or theming.
Through the week, when they were not building marble runs, the year groups undertook marble related activities preparedby their teachers.
Artists / Engineers: All the students and staff at Billesley Primary School.
Other Artists: Johnny O’Hanlon and Jack Trow.
Special Guests: Rochi Rampal, Graeme Rose, Benny Semp, Harry Trow, Eve Yarker & James Yarker
Photos: Ming De Nasty
Video: Reel Access