India Forum, Reitschule, Bern
14th – 30th January 2010
Bern 2010
We were brought to Bern by the CESCI (The Centre for Socio-Cultural Interaction) which is based in Tamil Nadu in India with a support association in Switzerland as part of their India Forum. Alongside us there were talks, films and performances looking at themes of hunger, land rights and non violent protest.
We were based in the great hall of The Reitschule once, as the name suggests, a riding school, but now a vibrant, left leaning cultural and community centre which hosts bands, theatre, films and exhibitions. The hall provided a very atmospheric setting for the show but a cold one … so cold that it made @AE Harris seem positively barmy, so cold that even the printer refused to work. To get over this we had to reside for much of the time in a small office/cupboard which could be heated, print out sheets and then scurry out into the cold place to lay out new piles. Once the show opened we were furnished with a pub style patio heater and warm sweet cups of chai tea.
The context of the show (India, Switzerland and the UK) threw up some interesting research and juxtapositions of statistics. For example, the same number of people were born in Switzerland last year as are born in India each day and both countries have the same number of daily McDonalds customers.
Performers: Chris Dugrenier, Jake Oldershaw, Craig Stephens, Jack Trow
With Annina, Anna, Nick and Pad
Sound and Radio Rice: Jon Ward
Concept: James Yarker
General Manager: Charlotte Martin
Advisory Producer: Nick Sweeting