Midsummer Festival, Cork
21 June – 1 July, 2006
Ali Robertson had seen the show in Edinburgh and was anxious to book it into his Midsummer Festival. His ambition was to stage the biggest version he could both afford and accommodate. Various possibilities were discussed combining the populations of various countries. Eire, USA and UK produced the correct number but their combination would proved an unhelpful political slant for the show. The world’s population in 1300, a similar number, was a more acceptable version.
An initial site visit had led to thoughts of the show taking over the Triskel Art Gallery in its first multi-room staging. Later a shop unit art gallery became available and resulted in a record crowds engaging with the show and returning at regular intervals to see how it had developed.
Space restrictions in the long thin space led to a new approach to the show, clustering statistics in tight narratives designed to be read in sequence when moving round the gallery following a prescribed route. This allowed us some really strong combinations and stories. We learnt a lot about Irish history.
Highlight of this show was memorable for the variety of people who visited. Being open to a busy street meant that passers by would pause for a look through the window and then be drawn in. This included a couple of gentlemen slightly the worse for wear, one of whom came in whilst his mate stayed outside protecting their cans of Special Brew.

Performers: Heather Burton, Jake Oldershaw, Craig Stephens
With: Michelle O’Toole, Noel Dolan, Patricia
Production Manager: Karen Stafford
Images: Karen Stafford
Concept: James Yarker
General Manager: Emily Dawkes
Advisory Producer: Nick Sweeting
Bears out Chinese proverb: “One See Worth 1000 Tells.
Thankyou. It help[s to look at important issues in this world without using numbers. We can all understand on some level what we see here.
This is brilliant! Sorry you don’t have a rice counting machine!
Audience Member
Love the sense of proportion the rice gives to unfathomable statistics… Scary, tho
Audience Member
A novel idea with incredible impact!
Audience Member