Theater Der Jungen Welt, Leipzig
4th – 8th October 2006
The former University bookshop was a great venue for the show. The long narrow space had huge windows looking out onto busy shopping street in the centre of Leipzig so the show felt like part of the city.
Being part of a youth theatre festival gave the show a strong focus as did the major political rally which too place in a square beside the venue during our get-in. The festivalÍs official opening was staged in the centre of the show on Wednesday, with live music, official speeches and a good crowd. Workshops were run for schools every week day through the performance and culminated with young people from both Leipzig and Birmingham performing in the show together on Saturday.
Performers: Sarah Archdeacon, Jess Mackinnon, Jack Trow
With: Georgios Tzitzikos
Education: Graeme Rose and Ana Rutter
Direction: James Yarker
Concept: James Yarker
General Manager: Charlotte Martin
Advisory Producer: Nick Sweeting