Noorderzon Festival, Groningen
17 – 27 August, 2006
This great festival hosted The Black Maze last year. It is centred around a park so this became the show’s first outing in a tent. With interest from other outdoor festival we were keen to see if it worked. Despite torrential downpours the marquee stayed basically sound and well over a thousand people paid O4 to see a rapidly evolving array of approximately 250 statistics.
Highlight of this gig for Jake was being asked if he considered himself a scientist or an artist.

Performers: Charlotte Goodwin, Jake Oldershaw, Craig Stephens, James Yarker
With: Larry Nikali, Dorien Annerveldt
Production Manger: Karen Stafford
Concept: James Yarker
General Manager: Charlotte Martin
Advisory Producer: Nick Sweeting
Imposing and confronting – makes you think about stuff you don’t think about.
It makes things clear all though it’s not always the number that counts.
It made me feel very small and part of many. Very impressive.