World Financial Center
Under The Radar Festival, New York, USA
9 – 20 January 2008
You learn more in five minutes here than reading the whole of the New York Times
Lou Reed
Presented as part of the Under the Radar Festival in the World Financial Center, this was Stan’s Cafe’s first visit to New York City. The venue, which houses the world headquarters of international businesses such as American Express, Merrill Lynch, Dow Jones and Deloitte, gave the show an interesting context and perhaps its smartest dressed audience (which is not to criticise the sartorial tastes of others). Statistics which feature in many shows such as the people killed in the World Trade Center on 9/11 and immigrants who passed through Ellis Island, took on a new significance here when those sites could be viewed through the Financial Center windows.
The show received a steady flow of visitors including, much to the excitement of a certain cross section of the performance team, Lou Reed. We also received some of our more interesting comments in the Comments Book including “Get a job” and “But is it art?” Discuss.
Photo: Karen Stafford
Performers: Alison Carney, Amanda Hadingue, Jake Oldershaw, Karen Stafford, Craig Stephens, James Yarker.
With: Natasha Giliberti and Adam Walck
Concept: James Yarker
General Manager: Charlotte Martin
Advisory Producer: Nick Sweeting
Very creative way to educate the people, real eye opener!
Astonishing and amazing! Help the world to understand itself better!
This is so extraordinary and moving (and funny – I love your mind) and political in THE best way. I am myself in several piles but also managed to find the exact grain of rice that is me as I was at Martin Luther King’s speech in DC (I was 6 and fell into the reflecting pool.)
The poetry of numbers
Audience Member
It’s almost like a Harper’s Index in 3-D!
Audience Member
Both poignant and humorous. A simple but vivid reminder of our place in the world.
Audience Member
What an original way to raise consciousness, touch the heart, and provoke new perspectives!
Very clever, we laughed, felt embarrassed for our good fortune, and had our eyes opened wide.
Audience Member