The Harbourfront Centre
Toronto, Canada
May 13th – 24th, 2009
Our 12 day run at The Harbourfront Centre broke attendance records for the show thanks in no small part to a thoroughly integrated approach to arts programming. As the closing event of World Stages 08/09, the piece was programmed to coincide with amazingly well attended family days, school visits and public holidays, attracting around 12,000 visitors. The show always works well in this context, as a verbal or photographic advert for the show never quite lives up to just being in the room with it.
Surprisingly, despite the high levels of attendance, we had very few ‘rice casualties’ (people kicking rice around, adding extra grains etc). Thanks again have to go to not only a legion of venue volunteers who gave up their spare time to help engage visitors, but also to schooling policies which actively encourage off-site visits. Seeing young people engaged with the work and actively debating important social and historical issues (as well as having a good laugh) is one of the most rewarding things about ‘Of All The People…’
Jake Oldershaw
Performers: Alex Alderton, Jake Oldershaw, Graeme Rose, Bernadette Russell
with Billy Hiscoke
Concept: James Yarker
General Manager: Charlotte Martin
Advisory Producer: Nick Sweeting